Sunday 26 September 2021

Business or Job?


Hard to decide?

Not really, if you know yourself very well, it’s easy to decide. In fact, it’s not about job or business. It’s all about your own passion and interest. However, perusing a passion should be on real facts, including;

1.       Your passion has real practical value?

2.       You have enough knowledge?

3.       You have enough skills?

4.       Your personality matches with your passion?

In case you have negative replies for the above you should wait and first work more to match your answers with your passion. Once you are convinced you are all set with you think you interest in then you have to decide whether you can find a job that help and support you work for your passion and if there is no such option than you should have courage to do it your own and have you own Business!

Business needs knowledge, plan and patience.        

Everything else is manageable.

What kind of knowledge you need?

1.       What you want to achieve?

2.       How to achieve?

What to achieve means your Business Theme linked with a Practical Business Model.

Once you are clear about your Business Theme and Business Model you can make a plan for how to achieve.

Plan should have clear Goals, Objectives and Mile Stones and Recourse requirements.

Objective is qualitative description for what you want to achieve and goals are quantitative break down of objective that can be measured with time line. Mile stones are further division of actions with associated time line towards your goal.

Not everyone can become entrepreneur and this is not a must for everyone to become entrepreneur. From outside it may look that entrepreneurship is something easy and give freedom from Bosses. 

This is not true. Initially this is really hard and a harsh truth is that in the beginning entrepreneur has to face many Bosses. Each and every client is like a Boss, so as skilled and hardworking talented employ. Entrepreneur has to listen them with patience and a lot of tolerance is required to adjust things.

However after few successful years with credibility, reputation and brand recognition entrepreneur starts enjoying financial and time freedom.


Tuesday 21 September 2021

Be Productive, just not busy?

 Be Productive, just not busy?

There is a difference between being busy and really productive. Most of the time we complain for not getting successful even after doing so much hard work. The reason behind is working blindly will not take you reach destination or may be with delays and pain.

It’s important to learn the ways to be productive and starts believing in smart working rather hard working. Most successful persons are smart workers not hard workers. They enjoy their work or do what they enjoy.

Productivity is not something to get results but it is defined as getting results in minimum possible time. In other words its efficient work.

How to get most out of your time is productivity.

Everyone has different situation, environment and requirements so should design own ways to be more productive. However, here are some tips that may help you to become more productive 

1.    Set Goals

Decide your goals. Goals are something you can quantify.

2.     Break down goals into realistic smaller tasks.

Divide Goals in to small tasks.

3.     Create structured to-do lists.

List should be daily, simple and practical.

4.     Eliminate distractions and stay focused

Focus on what you are doing. One tasks at a tim

5.     Don't reinvent the wheel.

Check if something has already done by someone or if there is any template or tool that help you complete your tasks, adapt it.

6.     Look ahead.

Live in today, work for tomorrow. Forget the past

7.     Avoid Arguments

Don’t waste time in arguments

8.     Don’t regrets

If something went wrong, accept it and try to correct. Don’t waste time in complaining all the time

9.     Don’t compare

You are you, do the best as you can. No need to compare and follow others

10.  Make routines

This not the last but the most important part for being productive. Sync with nature and grow.