Wednesday, 5 February 2020

E-Commerce, Who and How to Do !!!!

What is E-Ecommerce
Simply doing business electronically is called E-Commerce. These days more specifically doing business over internet is E-Commerce. It was not something new. First time it was tested successfully in 1972. However, it was not common because infrastructure was not available for common people at that time.  Thanks to internet and smart phones E-Commerce is available for anyone, anywhere in the world both as Provider or User.
Who can Do E-Commerce?
Anyone can do E-Commerce. Criteria is simple as below;
1.      Basic understanding of E-Commerce
2.      Understanding of Products and/or Services, especially
a.      Sourcing
b.      Pricing
c.      Quality Assurance
d.      Delivery
e.      After Sales Service and Support

Time to care E-Commerce Web Site and over-all process
4.      Required investment for Store Design and Development, Promotion and Implementation
5.      Resources to deliver quality Products and/or Services to end-user
6.      Patience and Consistent approach towards business

Why to choose E-Ecommerce as Business?

1.     Comparatively it needs less investment as compared to any other conventional business

2.      If does not need much physical infra-structure as required in other businesses.
3.      It can be managed in flexible timings
4.      It can be managed from anywhere, anytime
5.      It has not time limits and remain open 24/7/365 days
6.      It has no boundaries
7.      It has no language barriers and can be translated to any language without much hassle
8.      Product and Services range can be extended with more ease
9.      Can easily be turn-off and turn-on as per situation, which is not possible in conventional business
10.   It grows exponentially